Cats Needing Sponsors

Kida - was rescued from an abusive home and does not like women because she associates them with the abuse. Kida has moments of being sweet, but her mood changes quickly and she strikes out at whoever is close.  To avoid harming anyone, Kida was sent to a cage free sanctuary where she won't have to be in close proximity with people unless she wants to.

Delaney - was 6 months old when she was brought to us with a broken pelvis after being hit by a car.  She had surgery to repair her pelvis, but because of her age and never being handled by humans, she can't be picked up and runs and hides whenever people are around, so we need to send her to a sanctuary where she can live cage free.

LILA - is a very “special” girl. She “shakes” when she walks because her mama cat wasn’t properly vaccinated before having her. Lila has Cerebella Hypoplasia (CH) - a feline neurological condition in which kittens are born with an underdeveloped cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance, muscles and coordination. Because of this, Lila doesn’t do well in a cage and she would be much happier living cage-free in a sanctuary.

CALDWELL - is a 2 year old, FIV+ kitty, who has been living in a heavy equipment yard. As part of our Trap/Neuter/Return program, Caldwell wandered into a trap. While at the vet's office it was discovered that Caldwell's stomach had been cut open and was infected. This was most likely due to him climbing through the barbed wire that surround his living area. In order to prevent this from happening again, we feel it is best to get Caldwell into a sanctuary where he cannot be harmed.

WILLOW - is a beautiful Russian Blue cat who is 2 years old. She cannot handle being in a cage and reacts aggressively if approached by people. To eliminate the stress Willow is under at the adoption center, we need to send her to a sanctuary where she can live cage free.

SCRATCH - is a 10 year old, stray cat who has been living on the streets of Santa Ana his entire life. The area he lives in has become unsafe and Scratch needs to be moved to a sanctuary where he can be protected.

OREO - like her sister, Willow, Oreo also cannot handle being in a cage and reacts aggressively if approached by people. To eliminate the stress Oreo is under at the adoption center, we also need to send her to a sanctuary where she can live cage free.

Mailing Address

PO Box 11410                     
Westminster, CA 92683


Petco - 24480 Village Walk Place


Phone: 714-487-1518